Ongoing learning

The below modules are part of your mandatory on going learning. You and your GSL will recieve emails automatically to say when your training is about to expire. The training modules expire at the following intervals;

  • First Aid – 3 Years
  • Safety – 5 Years
  • Safeguarding – 5 Years

Once you have completed the module please save a copy of the certificate and send to your group scout leader, district commisioner or a training advisor.

Sadly if you do not save the certificate you will have to complete the module again. If you are unable to save the certificate please take a screenshot of the screen showing 100% and send as normal.

First Aid

Current First Aid guidance coming shortly. Please contact your Group Scout Leader, Training Advisor or District Commissioner for advice.

Safety Training

You’ll learn about your responsibilities for keeping young people and adults safe, what to do in an emergency and how to report incidents.

Doing things safely is fundamental to everything we do in Scouting. The Safety training ensures that you understand your responsibilities for keeping everyone in Scouts safe and how to assess and manage risk.

Safeguarding Training

You’ll learn how to keep young people and adults at risk safe, how to recognise abuse and how to report a concern.

You’ll also learn about our Safeguarding Policy and our Code of Practice, known as the Yellow Card.