For up to date information please visit the county website transformation page:
Towards the end of 2023 and throughout 2024 we will be introducing more changes to improve the experience of volunteers in Scouts.
This includes how we welcome new volunteers, the learning opportunities we offer to volunteers, and providing digital tools to make it easier to get things done in Scouts.
A warmer welcome
How we’re planning to create a warmer welcome for everyone.
A new digital tool to help recruit and welcome volunteers:
- Recruiters will be able to create adverts and opportunities easily and reach new people.
- Potential volunteers will be able to explore opportunities, enquire, be matched to their roles and follow their progress.
- You can monitor where new volunteers are on their volunteer journey – and easily spot where things might need progressing.
- You won’t need to enter data twice into unconnected systems.
- Anyone can update their details in the digital tool, and use their existing information to apply for another role in the movement.
- You can enquire about and make reasonable adjustments for the needs of the volunteer through the welcome conversation.
Redesigning the current appointments process into a welcome conversation:
- The new welcome conversation will involve two existing volunteers meeting with the new volunteer. One person will work directly with the new volunteer, such as a member of a Group Leadership Team. The other person will be from a different team, such as a volunteer from a Support Team or Section in a different group.
- The chat can happen in the usual meeting place of the new volunteer or via video call when suitable. This may involve those leading the welcome conversation watching the new volunteer having a go at their role. It should be informal, feel supportive and put the new volunteer at ease.
- It’ll take place no more than six weeks after the new volunteer has started their role. The suitability of this timescale will be tested.
More engaging learning
- We’re replacing our current Adult Training Scheme. After 20 years, it’s time for more engaging learning for our volunteers.
- We’re using new digital learning tools to make learning more accessible, personalised and relevant to each volunteer.
- We’re reducing and removing the heavy administration work of manually recording and validating learning.
- We’re developing new content that’ll be inclusive, accessible, relevant, and focused on the skills and knowledge volunteers need to deliver great experiences to young people.
- Content will be broadly split into Core Learning, which is mandatory, and Branching Out, which is optional.
- The Wood Badge will be structured as a programme of learning personalised to the individual. It’ll be focused on being engaging, relevant and something you’ll want to do. It’ll be part of the Branching Out learning, becoming optional and open to all.
Digital tools to get things done
During 2024, new digital tools for welcoming, learning and adult membership management will be introduced. They’ll be accessible at