
Once you start your volunteering journey with The Scouts, you will need to undertake some minor training in the first few months (five months to be exact). Below are the easy to navigate links to help get you started or to renew mandatory on going learning.

Getting Started

If you are brand new to us here in Rotherham this is where you get started with your modules. Submit these to your GSL or Training Advisor for them to be signed off.

Ongoing Learning

On going learning is essential for everyone required to do it. It keeps you and your young people up to date on any changes compared to your original training.

Woodbadge Training

In here you will find what you need to assist you in completing your woodbeads.

Executive Training

All the training you will need as a supported on the executive.

Contact an Advisor

Contact your TA through our form to get some of your modules signed off.