1. Introduction
- In compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (the “GDPR”), this Privacy Information Notice tells you what to expect when Rotherham Scouts (which, for the purposes of this document, includes Rotherham Explorer Units, Network section and the District Executive Committee and Appointments Advisory Committee) collects personal data. It applies to information we collect about:
- visitors to our website;
- people who contact us for the first time via the contact form on our website or by email;
- people on our waiting list;
- current members of Rotherham Scouts, i.e. Explorer Scouts and Network Members, Scout Leaders, adult helpers and members of the Executive Committee and Appointments Advisory Committee;
- people with parental responsibility for members of Rotherham Scouts;
- people named as emergency contacts for members by members’ parents/legal guardians;
- former members of Rotherham Scouts; and
- people who book on to our events via Online Scout Manager.
- We may also receive information about our members, their parents or legal guardians and emergency contacts from the member’s previous Scout Group or South Yorkshire County Scouts.
2. Who are we?
- The District Executive Committee of Rotherham Scouts is the Data Controller (contact details below). This means it decides how your personal data is processed and for what purposes.
3. Data – what is it?
- Data is information we collect about an individual. It includes:
- Personal data: this relates to a living individual who can be identified from that data, e.g. name, address, telephone number, membership number. Identification can be by the information alone or in conjunction with any other information in the Data Controller’s possession or likely to come into such possession.
- Sensitive personal data: this includes information about an individual’s health.
- Parents/legal guardians are responsible for the data of members aged under 13. When a member reaches the age of 13, they can be responsible for their own personal data.
4. Data – what do we collect?
- Visitors to our website:
- The site (http://www.rotherhamscouts.org) is hosted at one.com, which is run by One Ltd. For more information about how One Ltd. processes data, please see OneLtd’s privacy notice
- We may use Google Analytics to collect anonymous internet log information and details of visitor behaviour patterns when someone visits our websites, for example the number of users viewing pages on the site, in order to monitor and report on the effectiveness of the site and help us improve it. We may collect this information in a way which does not identify you and we do not make any attempt to find out the identities of those visiting our website. We will not associate any data gathered from this site with any personally identifying information from any source. If we do want to collect personally identifiable information through our website, we will be up front about this. We will make it clear when we collect personal information and will explain what we intend to do with it.
- All content on our website is copyright protected. All photographs that appear on our website are copyright of their owner.
- Any views posted on our website are not necessarily the views of the Scout Association.
- The personal data we hold about people who contact us via the contact forms on our websites
- Name and email address.
- The data we hold in MyScout about current members of Rotherham
Scouts, their parents/legal guardians, and their emergency contacts
- The member’s name, date of birth, gender, address, email address, NHS number, additional needs, photograph; GP’s name, address and telephone number.
- The member’s parents’/legal guardians’ names, addresses, email addresses and telephone numbers.
- The member’s emergency contact’s name, address, email address and telephone numbers. NOTE: It is the responsibility of the person supplying us with the emergency contact’s personal data (usually the member’s parents/legal guardians) to gain consent for us to hold their data.
- The
data we hold in GoCardless about
members’ parents/legal guardians
- Name, address, email address, name of bank and last two digits of your bank account number.
- The personal data we hold about former members of Rotherham Scouts, i.e. our alumni, includes:
- Name, address, email address and telephone number.
- The personal data we hold about people
who book tickets to our events via our Online
Scout Manager includes:
- Name, address, email address and telephone number.
- Rotherham Scouts does not have access to your payment method data, e.g. credit card number.
5. How do we process your data?
- Rotherham Scouts complies with its data protection
obligations by keeping
data up to date; by
storing and destroying it securely; by not collecting
or retaining excessive
amounts of data; and by ensuring that appropriate technical measures are in place to protect data.
- We use your data to communicate with you and to carry out our obligations as Scout Leaders and Executive Officers. In addition, we may collect data for registration to events, including Nights Away events, in some cases this data will be Sensitive Personal Data, which we ask for to allow us to provide appropriate care for members whilst under our supervision.
- We process your data for the following purposes:
- To enable us to provide a voluntary service for the benefit of the public as specified in the Scout Association Policy, Organisation and Rules (POR).
- To administer membership records and Adult Appointments.
- To organise events, fundraise and promote the interests of Rotherham Scouts.
- To manage our volunteers.
- To maintain our own accounts and records.
- To operate the Rotherham Scouts websites and deliver the services that individuals have requested.
- To keep you informed about events and activities run by Rotherham Scouts and news from Rotherham Scouts.
- To process gift aid applications.
- To conduct research about your opinions of Rotherham Scouts.
6. What are the legal bases for processing your data?
- With the explicit
consent of the data subject:
- to process Gift Aid donations. For members, we gain your consent for this via MyScout. For non-members, we will ask you to sign a form.
- By a not-for-profit body with a political,
philosophical, religious or trade union
aim provided:
- the processing relates only to members or former members (or those who have regular contact with it in connection with those purposes); and
- there is no disclosure to a third party without consent.
- For the purposes of legitimate interests pursued by the Data Controller or a third party, except where such interests are overridden by the interests, rights or freedoms of the data subject.
- To protect the vital interests of a data subject or another person.
7. Who has access you your data and who do we share it with?
- Only individuals who need membership
information to carry out their role with Rotherham Scouts will have access to your data.
- We may share your data with other local Scout Groups where this activity is required to deliver Rotherham Scouts’ obligations. We may also share data within The Scout Association.
- We may share data with third parties outside of Rotherham Scouts when necessary to protect the vital interests of the data subject or another person, for example in a medical emergency, or with your consent, for example if you have signed-up for Gift Aid we will share your name and address with HMRC to process your Gift Aid donation.
8. How long do we keep your data?
- People who contact us by email or via the contact
form on our website:
we keep your data
until we have resolved your query, after which we will
destroy it unless you have given us consent to hold it for longer.
- People on our waiting list: we keep your data until you accept or decline the offer of a place in Rotherham Scouts.
- Members of Rotherham Scouts: we keep your data until you are no longer a member of Rotherham Scouts, unless you become an alumnus in which case paragraph 8.5 applies.
- Parents/legal guardians of members of Rotherham Scouts: we keep your data
until you no longer have a young person who is a member of Rotherham Scouts. The only exception to this is that we retain Gift Aid declarations and associated paperwork for up to 7 years after the calendar year to which they relate for accounting purposes.
- Former members of Rotherham Scouts: when a member leaves Rotherham
Scouts, we may ask their parents, if the member is aged under 13, or the member if they are aged 13 or over, whether they
wish to become an alumnus.
We may also
the former member’s
parents/legal guardians whether they
wish to become an alumnus.
We will review the retention
of data of
our alumni every 5 years by writing to you to ask you if we can still hold it and whether it is
up-to-date. We only retain your
data so we can keep in touch with you, for example to notify
about events being organised by Rotherham Scouts.
- People named as emergency contacts by those with parental responsibility for members: we keep your data until the member for whom you are the emergency contact leaves Rotherham Scouts or we are notified that you are no longer their emergency contact.
- People who book onto events via our Online Scout Manager: we retain the data you enter into Online Scout manager for 12 months after which time it is deleted unless you have opted-in to receive further marketing communications from us.
9. Your rights and your data
- Unless subject to an exemption under the GDPR, you have the following
rights with respect to your data:
- The right to request a copy of your data which the Rotherham Scouts, holds about you.
- The right to request that Rotherham Scouts corrects any data if it is found to be inaccurate or out of date.
- The right to request your data is erased where it is no longer necessary for the Rotherham Scouts to retain such data.
- The right to withdraw your consent to the processing at any time.
- The right, where there is a dispute in relation to the accuracy or processing of your data, to request a restriction is placed on further processing.
- The right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioners Office.
10. Further processing
- If we wish to use your data for a new purpose, not covered by this Privacy Information Notice, then we will provide you with a new notice explaining this new use prior to commencing the processing and setting out the relevant purposes and processing conditions.
11. Photographs, video, audio and social media
- Promoting Scouting is important, and it is in the interests of all to advertise what we do through the use of appropriate and positive images. We therefore have to manage how we publicise these materials.
- Social media is used as a means of promoting our brand and our activities. The Scout Association provides specific guidance for using social media. For example, our Facebook sites allow us to quickly share news and photographs that we think are appropriate to a wider audience.
- The local press (and sometimes the national Press) are often invited to Scouting events and may wish to photograph or video members taking part in Scouting activities.
- We are unable to control members of the public or the press taking photos when Scouts are appearing in a public place (such as parades). In these situations, they require no invitation or permission. Photographs or video taken by Press photographers without invitation or permission are subject to the normal Press Complaints Commission Code of Practice.
- We are also unable to control photographs or video taken by other parents or guardians at Scouting events. We ask that all parents are sensible when sharing media (particularly via social networking) and follow the guidelines set out below.
- When photographs featuring young people are being taken specifically for use in advertising and/or promotional material, The Scout Association recommends that parental consent is obtained using a specific release form. A release form is not a legal requirement, (as the copyright of an image belongs to the photographer and not the subject), nevertheless, it is good practice and good manners to seek specific parental approval.
- It is our policy to:
- Only identify children appearing in our media by name if we have obtained their permission to do so. If we would like to identify individuals by name, we will ask for the subject of the photo for permission to use their image and whether we can identify them by name. This ensures that they are aware of the way the image will be used. This does not need to be a formal permission form, an informal verbal agreement that explains what the photo will be of and how it will be used is sufficient. (Please note the Press will often use full names when they can, however we always encourage the use of generic terms such “A Scout…”).
- Only use photos/videos of suitably dressed subjects and in appropriate situations.
- Follow the Scout Association’s “Young People First” policy.
- Encourage the use of photos/videos in materials promoting Scouting (including the wider press) providing the above criterial have been met.
- As far as reasonably practicable, ensure children whose parents/legal guardians have informed they do not wish their child to feature are excluded from promoted media
12. How we will contact members
- Sometimes we will need to get in touch and we may contact members directly but for members under the age of 18 years) a parent/legal guardian will normally be copied in e.g. through MyScout.
13. Contact details
- To exercise all relevant rights, queries or complaints please in the first instance contact Rotherham Scouts at http://www.rotherhamscouts.org
- You can contact the Information Commissioners Office on 0303 123 1113 or via email https://ico.org.uk/global/contact-us/email/ or at the Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire. SK9 5AF.
Version 1.3, 26 May 2019