The 27th Rotherham are back!

The weekend of the 8th/9th of August was the return of Face to Face Scouting in Rotherham. The 27th Rotherham based in Woodsetts had a fun filled weekend with games, pizza pockets fire lighting and smores. The leaders worked hard…

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Henry Tompkin Obituary

The district learnt of the passing of Henry Tompkin on the 29th of May 2020. Henry was a member of Scouting for many years and will be greatly missed throughout the district. Henry played many vital roles throughout scouting for…

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St Georges Day 2020 Lockdown edition

26th April 2020 Should’ve been our annual St Georges Day Parade where we will get together to celebrate the Patron Saint of Scouting and renew our promise. However this year due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic all Face to Face…

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Chief Scout Awards March 2020

Wednesday Night saw our Chief Scout Awards. We were joined by members of all sections of Rotherham Scouts and the Mayor of Rotherham. There were big smiles all around when the children came up front to receive their award. A…

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Beavers Gone Wild

On Wednesday 11th the 1st Rotherham Beavers visited Pets at Home to work on their Animal Friend Badge. They had a fun exciting evening where they learnt how to look after their pets and what food they eat.